Trapping with Steve Allan
Being involved in trapping, you must have heard of Steve Allan. He's the inventor & manufacturer of SA2 & SA3 traps. These things go like the clappers and you can rest assured they will outlive the possums, cats & any other nasties you're trying to catch.
I gave Steve a call to buy a few of his traps, we ended up having a good yarn & he offered for me to go and visit his workshop and check out his local trap lines in Kaitaia. He's an absolute weapon and the scenery up around those parts is top notch. It only adds to the stay that his house is completely off grid. Really nice.
Steve's been trapping since he was about 17 and he's forgotten more about trapping than most of us will ever learn. I certainly learnt a lot in the couple of days I was there trapping with him.
After a good stay, we have been working together on a couple of exciting projects that will be really beneficial to New Zealand's wildlife.Steve's a classic kiwi innovator and together we've got a complimentary skill set that can make things happen.
There's something to be said about Steve & Debbie inviting a complete stranger up to stay with them and I don't know if it says more about them or me but it was a great trip, making a good friend and a great business connection.
If you'd like to hear more or how you can get in touch with Steve, feel free to get in touch at callum@goodwood.nz