More trees, more birds
Every day is great day for planting trees. It was great to be a part of a project that's planting native trees just around the corner from Good Wood HQ.
This park is great, there's a good spot for a wetland area further down the track. It would be a dream to see wetland birds such as Bittern moving in from Ahuriri - If Hans has anything to do with it, I'm sure he'd be keen.
This is a particularly amazing spot because of the cohesion that it's taken to bring it to life. It's a work in progress but it's the first ever joint park owned 50% by Hawkes Bay Regional Council & 50% by Iwi. This is the first co-owned park by Iwi and a council in New Zealand. This is an amazing step toward a more sustainable future and a great way to promote partnerships that are for the better good. Teams helping teams, leaders helping leaders and everyone helping together.
There was approximately 40 people at this planting day, we planted 2000 trees and there is plenty more to go. To find out about these sort of events, check out https://www.hbrc.govt.nz/our-council/events/.
If you join our mailer, we'll keep you up to date with what's going on too. We will be organizing events like this in the future too because at the end of the day, we're nature lovers ourselves and this is the sort of work that directly affects our environment in a positive way.