Urban Trapping on The Miramar Peninsula
This level of urban trapping was a new experience for me, usually trapping is done in the bush and far away from urban communities but this was a great experience and it was great to see the community buy in to a project that benefits everyone.
I caught up with Predator Free Miramar's head honcho, Dan Henry and newly appointed linesman Anthony for a walk around one of their trap lines.
Wearing bush gear and carrying tools for checking traps looks a bit out of place when walking around the capital city and there was a few confused onlookers (townies).
Dan has done an amazing job bringing birdlife and birdsong back to Miramar that Anthony says was barely present when he first moved there over 10 years ago. Now, we stood under a tree with at least 10 Tui in it, all happily singing in the video below.
The low point of the trap line walk was Dan leading us through a swarm of wasps that were all too happy to give us about 10 kisses before we got to the trap. A good bit of hard fun.
If you're keen to get amongst Predator Free Miramar, check out their website here or their facebook group here.
I'm looking forward to our next hit out as Predator Free Miramar move closer to their goal of complete eradication, good luck team!