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Transportable Cabins

Transportable Cabins

Transportable Cabins
Building Futures

Transportable Cabins

Tiny houses, cabins and cribs - why are they so popular now! Hiab Cranes, under 30 square metres and efficiency from building in a shed all tie in to the solutions.

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Good Wood Building Futures
Building Futures

Good Wood Building Futures

When you start a company, some part of you really just wants to help people – When I started Goodwood, I never realized how directly we would be able to benefit people who work with us such as Odey...

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Cyclone Gabrielle aftermath: Good Wood, back on the tools while surrounded by water

Cyclone Gabrielle aftermath: Good Wood, back on the tools while surrounded by water

As the damage of Cyclone Gabrielle becomes clear, local businesses are pitching in where they can, including Hastings Business Good Wood, which specialises in assembling wood products and small cab...

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Rodd & Gunn

Rodd & Gunn

As a long time fan of the clothing and general ethos of Rodd & Gunn, I was chuffed AS to get an email asking if we could supply some pegboards into Rodd & Gunn stores across the country.

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Good Wood Features in Cuisine Magazine

Good Wood Features in Cuisine Magazine

When Cuisine contributor Claire McCall recently bought some kitset planter boxes from Good Wood Products she was pretty pleased with them. So we dug a bit deeper and found a great ‘born from necess...

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Hastings Small Business Survived Covid And Is Still Going Strong With Wooden Products

Hastings Small Business Survived Covid And Is Still Going Strong With Wooden Products

Good Wood founder Callum Mcdonald whose small Hastings business took off during the first lockdown and hasn't stopped since.

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Trapping the Kawekas with Tipene & Jess

Trapping the Kawekas with Tipene & Jess

Getting hands on with local legend, Tipene, in Balls Clearing in the foothills of the Kawekas. Setting traps and saving birds with ice cracking under feet - how good!

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Sinclair Wetlands

Sinclair Wetlands

New Zealand is a truly beautiful place but it doesn't take much to forget that sometimes.  On a recent trip down to the deep south (Bluff) to see family, I caught up with Glen at Sinclair Wetlands ...

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How remote is remote enough?

How remote is remote enough?

During isolation, I took a few friends for a much needed excursion to Cape Sanctuary to work remote - The Cape is my favourite place this side of anywhere. The Sanctuary is a Kiwi and Takahe sanctu...

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Katie Desk CNC router computer design cut woodwork

Working From Home & The Desks that come with it

As we entered Level 4 Lockdown, my flatmate Katie needed a desk - Good Wood to the rescue!

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